January 24, 2012

25 #twittips Feng Shui Interior

1. Mumpung tahun baruan, mau feng-shui interior

2. Rulenya: kl ch'i=energi, mk kl energi itu absen, hidup=tdk produktif. Kl energi berkumpul, hidup penuh dg kesempatan

3. Org yg hidup dlm suatu tempat yg energinya mengalir, mereka akan lebih bahagia

4. Tree directly in front of main door is bad fengshui and should be removed

5. The kitchen is a very special place. In fengshui, food symbolizes nourishment and by extension, health and wealth

6. Kompor mewakili elemen api, sink elemen air, hindari peletakan berseberangan atau bersisian

7. Utk mengimbangi elemen air dan api dlm dapur, gunakan dekor material yg mewakili elemen kayu

8. The livingroom is the focus of family activities. One of the most used rooms in any house

9. Hindari meja bersudut krn dpt memotong aliran energi (chi) pd ruang keluarga

10. 'Tanaman Plastik' are not ideal as they symbolize death and do not encourage the flow of ch'i in the livingroom

11. Hindari menempatkan sofa membelakangi pintu, so that occupants can easily see anyone entering livingroom

12. B'cos the dining room is central to nourishment of the household, it should be ideally be a room close to the center of the home

13. Penggunaan cermin di ruang makan memantulkan jmlh makanan pd meja makan. Menyimbolkan kekayaan. Sgt dianjurkan

14. Pemakaian meja makan berbentuk bundar/oval mampu mengalirkan energi pd ruang makan dibanding persegi

15. Hindari mendekor ruang makan dg foto2 org yg telah mendahului kita. It introduces yin energy - not good in dining room

16. Hindari pemasangan pintu hingga 3 buah pada sebuah ruangan. It's confusing ch'i flow

17. Warna2 Yin bergerak pd spektrum biru dan warna gelap, sementara warna2 Yang mewakili spektrum merah dan warna terang

18. Apabila ruangan terhubung dgn koridor, hindari penggunaan warna Yin pd interior koridor

19. The bedroom is one of the key rooms for fengshui. We spend a third of our life there. Orientation our bed is very important

20. Hang a red and gold calligraphy in the bedroom to strengthen ur relationship/marriage

21. Don't put water features in the bedroom, as they will tend to disturb sleep and can provoke bad luck

22. Don't put ceiling mirror above ur bed. This configuration can have serious ill effects on ur relationships

23. u/ kmr mandi, hindari mengekspose pipa utilitas krn apapun tempat air keluar dr kmr mandi sama dg menarik energi keluar.

24. Terakhir, pilih warna2 Yang pada kamar mandi. It's good fengshui for the bathroom

25. Trims yg sdh menyimak ttg fengshui Interior 新年快乐 | 万事如意 | 身体健康 | 恭喜发财 (smile)

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